tirsdag den 22. november 2011

Caramelo & Cajas de carton by Camilla P, Mads B, Anne B og Katrine M

Caramelo & Cajas de carton

Los textos "Caramelo" y "Cajas de carton" tratan de ser un hijo de immigrantes de Mexico - tal como Lala en "Caramelo". Los textos tratan también ser un immigrante Mexicano, que move a USA con su familia para que trabajar y para que ganar dineros - tal como el protagonisto de "Cajas de carton".

Los textos han escribido de el punto de vista de un niño. Los dos niños experimentan unos problemos hay en la vida de immigrante. Lala experimenta como su familia, sobre todo su padre, no entienden por que Lala quiere se independiza y vive solo igual que otros críos de los Estados Unidos. El padre de Lala piensa que Lala tiene que vive a la casa hasta se casar, porque es una tradición en Mexico - Por eso surgi un conflitco entre el Padre y Lala.

El chico en el segundo cuento viajá a EE.UU. con su familía para ganar dinero porque es pobre. Pronto está se mueven a un nuevo lugar empeza y aprende Inglés y toca la trompeta, él es muy aficionado por. Èl se pone feliz para todos que no descubre es tiempo a moverse otra vez porque la temporada de la uva es finito y no puede trabajar por recoger las uvas. Estos conflictos quieres visto más en el siguiente análisis.

The short story – “Caramelo” written by Sandra Cisneros, is a story about a Mexican family who lives in the United States. The daughter, Lala, in the story is born in The States, but her parents are Mexicans. They often leave the States for a vacation in Mexico. Even though her family is Mexican, which means that she is also part Mexican, she still feels like an American, because she is born and raised there. Because of her Mexican roots she has been raised in a traditional Mexican way. This becomes a problem when she talks with her father about moving out and living on her own. The father is against her decision because the father represents the Mexican traditions. The Mexican traditions value the family solidarity more than independence. They expect their daughters to live at home with their parents until they find a husband, who can take care of them. This is a problem to Lala, because this is against the American principles which she has learned through the American society; school, friends, TV-shows etc.

She feels divided between choosing her family and their Mexican values, and the heart that wants to be independent. Many children born in USA with Mexican roots have the same problem as Lala. They feel torn between the old family traditions and their modern idea of living.

When they cross the border to Mexico, Lala is reminded the big differences there are between Mexico and The United States. She mentions the differences in the food, the material things and the values. She does not like to be reminded of these differences because it makes her aware of the division there is inside of her.

In the very end of the text it says: “Every year I cross the border, it’s the same – my mind forgets. But my body always remembers.” By saying this she explains the feeling that she has for Mexico. She wants to be an American so bad that she tries to erase all the Mexican memories. This is not possible because her Mexican culture is in her subconscious and senses. Therefore she will always have a connection to Mexico, even though she does not want to.

“Cajas de Carton” is a story about una familia traveling to Los Estados Unidos told by uno de los dos chicos en la familia. Buscan un tabajo and they will do anything to get una trabaja. En el parte primero the familia works for an apparently muy rich man: Mr. Sullivan. The kids don’t go a escuela pero just trabajan like their parents. Muchos partes in the story shows how pobre la familia is. They aprecian everything they tienen and don’t protestan when they had to se murdan y encontran a new trabaja. La madre loves her olla y la padre loves his coche usado. En la parté ultimo el chico se ecribir to 6. grade y he find himself very comfortable in the class y comenza a estudia inglés y play music which he likes very much, pero entonces vuelve a casa he find out that su padres had prepared to move again.

In the story “Cajas de carton” the boy in this family also experiences division. He feels that he has to help his family with earning money, but on the other hand he also wants to be independent, go to school and learn English. This boy does not have a permanent home that he belongs to where as Lala has two homes but only feels that she belongs in one of them.

Both of the main characters of the two stories fight with division and the feeling of not having a stabile home and origin. Their stories are very similar both also very different. The main theme of these two stories is the problems that come with being an immigrant.

Desde el análisis de los dos textos somos capaz de concluimos que hay varias maneras vivir la división entre dos países y dos culturas. Lala experimenta como su padre va a educa ella en una manera tradicional aunque ella más bien va a vive como típico joven americana.

La protagonista en el otro texto vive como es adaptarse un lugar en Los Estados Unidos como un inmigrante de Méjico. Después tiene que abandonar este por mudarse más ancho y ayuda su familia con ganar dinero. Los dos experimentan problemas y división a vive en un país nuevo y ser independientes al tiempo que van a ayudan sus familias o intentan vivir a sus idea como la vida ideal.

torsdag den 17. november 2011

Evaluering af undervisning d. 16/11

Group 6:

The groups had different assignments regarding the content of the poem.  Some had to analyze the poem, others had to make a cartoon of the poem, and some had to perform a play of the poem. Afterwards the groups had to present their presentations to the rest of the class.
This was a good way to combine the technical thinking in the poem, with the more creative thinking.  The group seemed very prepared for the lesson and they were very calm while teaching the class.

Group 7:

This group had the same poem, but they had to focus on the more technical part of the poem, where as group 6 had to focus on the content of the poem.
The first 10 minutes we talked about the technical things in the poem in different groups, and then we had to be creative and make a creative interpretation of the poem, which we decided our selves. In the last 10 minutes of the lesson the groups had to present their creative pieces to the rest of the class.
Group 7 made us focus on using both English and Spanish in our presentation.

Both of the groups seemed to have put a lot of effort in to the lessons, and they had used the given time to the fullest.

Evaluering af undervisning d. 14/11

Gruppe 5:

Gruppen fungerede rigtig godt som lærere, og det virkede virkelig som om at de havde sat sig godt ind i digtene.
De har struktureret timen rigtig godt og det var fint at de havde delt de forskellige fokuspunkter op i små grupper - det gjorde det mere overskueligt for os alle. Ved derefter at gennemgå gruppernes svar på klassen, fik de samlet op på digtene på en fin måde.

Gruppe 1:

Det gode ved deres undervisning var deres kreative måde at undervise os på. Det fungerede rigtig godt med de forskellige arbejdspladser - på den måde fik alle lavet noget, og tiden gik hurtigt. Dog manglede vi et resumé af teksten - den var meget lang og svær, så det blev hurtigt problematisk at finde hoved og hale i teksten.
Gruppen klarede det godt, når man tænker på at de manglede en underviser fra gruppen.

Los dos grupos han tenido una buena enseñanza también muy creativa. Los dos grupos es bien a estructurar y a construir un enseñanza controlar. Embargo el grupo 1’s texto faltaba un resumen porque es un poco difícil. Según que el grupo 1 faltaba una persona, él fue bueno.

fredag den 11. november 2011

Evaluering af undervisning d. 11/11

Group 3: 

The fact that we had to choose some words from the poem and use them to make our own, was a good way to learn new words. The short time period made us work harder and faster which was a good thing.
We liked that we should create something on our own, instead of lessons on the blackboard.
It was nice that the group had translated the poem in to Danish, so that is was easier to understand.
Last but not least the group kept the schedule they had been given.

Group 4:
This group also chose a creative way to work with the poem. The group's different tasks were a good way to understand the poem, and the time went faster this way. It was not boring at all. It was some nice and instructive tasks the groups were given.
Some of the groups had too much time to their task, but all in all they kept the time schedule and the rule of speaking English the whole lesson. Good job!

Both groups seemed to be very well prepared!

tirsdag den 8. november 2011

Evaluering af undervisning d. 8/11

Elevernes mening om undervisningen:

Overvejende positiv kritik!

  • Spørgsmålene var lidt dårligt fordelt mellem grupperne. Nogle grupper havde primært nemme spørgsmål, og nogle grupper havde primært svære spørgsmål.
  • Matrixgrupper er en god måde at forstå teksten på - man kommer rundt om det hele. Det var også en god måde til at få talt noget mere engelsk.
  • Lærerne var gode til snakke engelsk i stedet for dansk, når de skulle forklare og uddele opgaverne.
  • Lærerne var gode til at svare på spørgsmål og hjælpe i grupperne  - det viser at de har forståelse for teksten og at de havde forberedt sig, og lavede deres lektier.
  • Lærerne fik konstrueret en relevant arbejdsmetode ud fra deres givne materiale (en lang tekst, kan hurtigt blive uoverskuelig at arbejde med)
  • Problematikken omkring matrixgrupper kan være at de fraværende elever ødelægger gruppefordelingen og der derfor kommer rod i grupperne. 
  • Lærerne overholdte deres tidsplan, og var gode til at disponere den tid de havde til rådighed.

Vores overordnede fornemmelse er at eleverne var glade for vores valg af arbejdsmetode. Vi synes selv at timen gik godt, og at både lærere og elever fik det optimale ud af teksten.

Dog kunne vi godt have lavet en bedre præsentation af undervisningen og teksten ved timens start - grunden til at det blev lidt forvirret og rodet, var fordi vi kom på som de første, hvor vi ellers først skulle have været på som nummer to. Derfor blev præsentationen måske lidt sjusket, og kan have virket uforberedt.

Men alt i alt synes vi at timen forløb som planlagt.

En Español:

Nuestra sensación generales es que los estudiantes estaban contendos por nuestra alternativa método de trabaja. Piensamos que la clase ha transcurrido bien. Los profesoros y estudiantes han conseguido lo mejor del texto. Puedemos hemos heco un presentación más mejor de clase y del texto. La razón del principio confuso es que estabamos el primero grupo presentar. Por eso  la presentación resultó dejada y podría tener el efecto que estabamos inpreparados.

En total piensamos que la clase ha transcurrido muy bien!

mandag den 7. november 2011

Vores undervisning

Gruppe 1
Gruppe 2
Gruppe 3
Gruppe 4
Gruppe 1
Anders Christian
Anne V
Camilla Line
Gruppe 2
Gruppe 3
Nanna B
Jeppe B
Gruppe 4
Jeppe N
Gruppe 5
Katrine B
Gruppe 6
Mads R
Nanna K
Gruppe 1:
· Explain the line: ”Every year I cross the border, it’s the same – my mind forgets. But my body always remember.”
    · Make a list of the things Lala and her family leave behind in the US.
      · How do all the commas affect the text?
        Gruppe 2:
        · Give examples of how Sandra Cisneros describes the scenes and how they affect the different senses: smells, colours, sounds, tastes, textures, temperature, etc.
          · Make a list with some of the things they experience once they cross the border to Mexico.
            · What affect does the punctuation have in line 11-15, page 40?
              Gruppe 3:
              · Why is the father upset with Lala?
                · Can you explain why the father argues the way he does. (You must bear in mind that he was raised in Mexico in a traditional family and is now living in the US).
                  · Do you subscribe to his views?
                    Gruppe 4:
                    · Why does the narrator write the following words together: “Prostituta. Puta. Perra. Perdida. Papá”?
                      · Why does Lala feel like the protagonist of Lewis Caroll’s book, Alice in Wonderland, after eating the “Eat Me” cookie?
                        · Describe the kitchen in this scene. What does it tell us about the family?

                          torsdag den 3. november 2011

                          Disposition for undervisning

                          Vi har med gruppe 1 aftalt at dele undervisningen op i en spansk del og en engelsk del, vi, gruppe 2, har engelsk delen.

                          Vi laver et matrixskema, hvor der i første runde er fire lodrette grupper. Disse fire grupper får hver deres spørgsmål som skal besvares. Efter dette skal eleverne ud i de vandrette grupper og fremlægge spørgsmålene. På denne måde får alle svar på alle spørgsmålene, og alle elever får sagt noget, i det de skal fremlægge deres spørgsmål og svar for de andre elever i de vandrette grupper.

                          - Præsentation af teksten.
                          - Eleverne inddeles i grupper og får planen at vide + uddeling af gruppespørgsmål.
                          - Eleverne arbejder i de lodrette grupper med deres 3 spørgsmål i et kvarter.
                          - Dernæst kommer eleverne ud i de vandrette grupper hvor spørgsmål og svar skal fremlægges, i et kvarter.
                          - Opsamling og evaluering af timen.

                          Fiesta de salsa!


                          Dos salsa chicas guapas
                          Ayer bailamos salsa en el paraninfo, era gracioso.

                          tirsdag den 1. november 2011

                          La clase de español d. 1/11

                          Al principio de la clase,  hemos cambiado los grupos.
                          Después hemos fundado un blog y hemos escribido dos ponencias. Una ponecia de Inglés y esta ponecia de Español.
                          Por al fin de la clase KK ha demostrado un baile se llama salsa. Y hemos visto una película de salsa.

                          English lesson d. 1/11

                          The first 45 minutes we talked about our hand-ins and corrected them.
                          Then we talked about the project "Latinos in the U.S", where Janne explained the details for the program in the next 20 days.
                          In the last part of the lesson, we sepereated in to groups - then each group got a word from todays homework, and we had to translate and explain the word in english.