fredag den 11. november 2011

Evaluering af undervisning d. 11/11

Group 3: 

The fact that we had to choose some words from the poem and use them to make our own, was a good way to learn new words. The short time period made us work harder and faster which was a good thing.
We liked that we should create something on our own, instead of lessons on the blackboard.
It was nice that the group had translated the poem in to Danish, so that is was easier to understand.
Last but not least the group kept the schedule they had been given.

Group 4:
This group also chose a creative way to work with the poem. The group's different tasks were a good way to understand the poem, and the time went faster this way. It was not boring at all. It was some nice and instructive tasks the groups were given.
Some of the groups had too much time to their task, but all in all they kept the time schedule and the rule of speaking English the whole lesson. Good job!

Both groups seemed to be very well prepared!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Estoy completamente de acuerdo. Cada grupo estaban bien preparados, y sus formas de enseñaros salieron con productos buenos. Yo me siento bastante inspirada.

  2. Sound like a very good lesson!
    By the way, your blog entry is written in a mainly correct English with some very nice and authentic-sounding expressions.
