tirsdag den 22. november 2011

Caramelo & Cajas de carton by Camilla P, Mads B, Anne B og Katrine M

Caramelo & Cajas de carton

Los textos "Caramelo" y "Cajas de carton" tratan de ser un hijo de immigrantes de Mexico - tal como Lala en "Caramelo". Los textos tratan también ser un immigrante Mexicano, que move a USA con su familia para que trabajar y para que ganar dineros - tal como el protagonisto de "Cajas de carton".

Los textos han escribido de el punto de vista de un niño. Los dos niños experimentan unos problemos hay en la vida de immigrante. Lala experimenta como su familia, sobre todo su padre, no entienden por que Lala quiere se independiza y vive solo igual que otros críos de los Estados Unidos. El padre de Lala piensa que Lala tiene que vive a la casa hasta se casar, porque es una tradición en Mexico - Por eso surgi un conflitco entre el Padre y Lala.

El chico en el segundo cuento viajá a EE.UU. con su familía para ganar dinero porque es pobre. Pronto está se mueven a un nuevo lugar empeza y aprende Inglés y toca la trompeta, él es muy aficionado por. Èl se pone feliz para todos que no descubre es tiempo a moverse otra vez porque la temporada de la uva es finito y no puede trabajar por recoger las uvas. Estos conflictos quieres visto más en el siguiente análisis.

The short story – “Caramelo” written by Sandra Cisneros, is a story about a Mexican family who lives in the United States. The daughter, Lala, in the story is born in The States, but her parents are Mexicans. They often leave the States for a vacation in Mexico. Even though her family is Mexican, which means that she is also part Mexican, she still feels like an American, because she is born and raised there. Because of her Mexican roots she has been raised in a traditional Mexican way. This becomes a problem when she talks with her father about moving out and living on her own. The father is against her decision because the father represents the Mexican traditions. The Mexican traditions value the family solidarity more than independence. They expect their daughters to live at home with their parents until they find a husband, who can take care of them. This is a problem to Lala, because this is against the American principles which she has learned through the American society; school, friends, TV-shows etc.

She feels divided between choosing her family and their Mexican values, and the heart that wants to be independent. Many children born in USA with Mexican roots have the same problem as Lala. They feel torn between the old family traditions and their modern idea of living.

When they cross the border to Mexico, Lala is reminded the big differences there are between Mexico and The United States. She mentions the differences in the food, the material things and the values. She does not like to be reminded of these differences because it makes her aware of the division there is inside of her.

In the very end of the text it says: “Every year I cross the border, it’s the same – my mind forgets. But my body always remembers.” By saying this she explains the feeling that she has for Mexico. She wants to be an American so bad that she tries to erase all the Mexican memories. This is not possible because her Mexican culture is in her subconscious and senses. Therefore she will always have a connection to Mexico, even though she does not want to.

“Cajas de Carton” is a story about una familia traveling to Los Estados Unidos told by uno de los dos chicos en la familia. Buscan un tabajo and they will do anything to get una trabaja. En el parte primero the familia works for an apparently muy rich man: Mr. Sullivan. The kids don’t go a escuela pero just trabajan like their parents. Muchos partes in the story shows how pobre la familia is. They aprecian everything they tienen and don’t protestan when they had to se murdan y encontran a new trabaja. La madre loves her olla y la padre loves his coche usado. En la parté ultimo el chico se ecribir to 6. grade y he find himself very comfortable in the class y comenza a estudia inglés y play music which he likes very much, pero entonces vuelve a casa he find out that su padres had prepared to move again.

In the story “Cajas de carton” the boy in this family also experiences division. He feels that he has to help his family with earning money, but on the other hand he also wants to be independent, go to school and learn English. This boy does not have a permanent home that he belongs to where as Lala has two homes but only feels that she belongs in one of them.

Both of the main characters of the two stories fight with division and the feeling of not having a stabile home and origin. Their stories are very similar both also very different. The main theme of these two stories is the problems that come with being an immigrant.

Desde el análisis de los dos textos somos capaz de concluimos que hay varias maneras vivir la división entre dos países y dos culturas. Lala experimenta como su padre va a educa ella en una manera tradicional aunque ella más bien va a vive como típico joven americana.

La protagonista en el otro texto vive como es adaptarse un lugar en Los Estados Unidos como un inmigrante de Méjico. Después tiene que abandonar este por mudarse más ancho y ayuda su familia con ganar dinero. Los dos experimentan problemas y división a vive en un país nuevo y ser independientes al tiempo que van a ayudan sus familias o intentan vivir a sus idea como la vida ideal.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hola Spanglishers!
    I enjoyed reading your analysis. You have been able to select and focus on relevant aspects of the texts.
    Already in your introduction you demonstrate a comprehensive view of both texts that allows you to continually compare the two: well done. I alsp applaud the coherence in your analysis which explicitly is shown when you write that you will work more with something later on in your analysis.
    You also use litereary terms and I would like to have seen more of this. You can get ideas for this in the of literary terms in the final pages of Fields of Vision II.
    You make very few English grammar errors: well done! Those that you do make are primarily located in the paragraph written in Spanglish. Perhaps writing in what is in reality a new language took up so much of your energy that there was no time left for revision :-) Also concerning the Spanglish passage: you have written this in a way that mimics the texts we have read in Spanish and therefore it sounds authentic. This is quite difficult to do, som I must commend you!
    Overall: you have done a good job!
    See you in class,
    :-) Juanita.

  2. Hola queridos amigos.

    Habéis hecho, como dice Juanita, un buen trabajo hablando del análisis. Estoy de acuerdo con ella. Hay errores en el texto en español, pero muchos de ellos son errores semejantes como por ejemplo que (y ahora tengo que cambiar de lengua para que esté segura de que entendéis todo lo que comento):

    I bøjer for mange verber. I skal ikke bøje et verbum hver gang I støder på det. Der er to tommelfingerregler:

    1) Verbet skal bøjes på spansk, hvis det bøjes på dansk, ellers ikke.
    2) Der skal kun være ét bøjet verbum i en (led)sætning.

    Det vil fx sige: "Han vil arbejde" = Han vil (vil = bøjet/ ville = ubøjet) arbejde (at arbejde = ubøjet) bliver til "quiere ( quiere = bøjet / querer = ubøjet) trabajar" (trabajar = ubøjet). Kan I se det?

    Det er vigtigt at I lærer at skelne mellem bøjede og ubøjede verber, ellers går kommunikationen galt: "Det nytter ikke noget at vi vil bøjer alle ordene, også dem vi ikke skal bøjer, fordi så kommer teksten til lyder mærkelig, ikke?"

    Pero fuera de eso - buen trabajo.

    Saludos Kristina.
